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陈立敏(2018):是追求价值中立,还是信守二元准则? ——论好科学与社会价值观


摘 要:对成为一门好科学来说,仅遵守认知价值观是不足够的。科学研究必须既遵守认知价值观又遵守社会价值观,才能兼具科学严谨性与社会关切性,才能成为一门好的科学。本文不仅根据若干科学哲学和社会科学哲学的经典原著进行演绎析理,而且就若干管理学理论如资源基础观、交易成本理论、资源依赖理论的开发过程回顾,而分析其产生如何受到社会价值观即人的因素影响。将管家理论与代理理论互相补充、共同构成一个更好的管理学理论,是好科学同时符合认知价值观与社会价值观的极好例证。



Pursuing value-free ideal or complying with binary criterion?

----On the relationship of a good science and social values

Limin CHEN

(School of Economics and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072)


Abstract: To be a good science, it is inadequate for complying with epistemic values only.  Scientific studies should obey epistemic values as well as social values. Only by this way can the studies be both scientifically rigorous and societally relevant, and become good sciences. This paper presented above viewpoints by analyzing a few classical works about philosophy of science and philosophy of social science. Furthermore, this paper illustrated how the forming of theories was influenced by social values i.e. personal factors through the reviewing of several management theories such resource-based view, transaction cost economics, resource-dependence theory, etc. Supplementing stewardship theory along with agency theory and becoming a better management theory, is the very example of a good science which complies with both epistemic values and social values.

Keywords: good science, epistemic values, social values, value-free ideal



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